Monday and Tuesday afternoons are set aside for One-on-One meetings with Chain Executives. Each Supplier Company has a designated area of their own to meet privately with Executives. This location also provides your team with an area that can be used when not in a Boardroom session.
- Each meeting is 15 minutes in length.
- There is a 5 minute transition time between meetings.
- A message will prompt the end of one meeting and start of the next.
- 8’ x 8’ Backdrop Unit
- 30” Round Skirted Table
- 4 Chairs
- Power Strip (5amp/500 Watt)
- Wireless Internet
- If you require additional equipment in your One-on-One location, please order directly from CommCo Productions.
- Click here to print and complete the Audio Visual Form.
Additional Tables
- Additional tables for overflow meeting space are available throughout the One-on-One Space.
- These tables are not assigned to a One-on-One location and may not be moved.
- There is not an additional table for every One-on-One location; they are to be shared then vacated as soon as your meeting is complete.
Refer to pages 11 – 14 of the Planning Guide for more information.
Please let John Hurley, our Sales Director, or Emily Wangler know if we can be of any assistance as you prepare for StorePoint Fashion 2018