We encourage you to connect with Sharmila Patel, here at CPMG to have her review your presentation.
RJ can offer you his experience in having seen what works in this setting.
- What does your company do?
- What differentiates you from your competition?
- Highlight your Company’s innovations!
- Share tangible results: use case studies, highlight your expertise.
- If a current customer is in the Boardroom and you would like to use them as a case study, their permission is necessary – please contact Sharmila prior to adding them to your presentation.
- Include key industry data points that support your offerings (don’t drown them in statistics).
- Articulate your understanding of the current challenges (if any) in your environment.
- If possible, make your presentation interactive with the group.
- Summarize key point(s).
- Suggest next step.
- Q&A needs to be covered in your 20 minutes.
Confident Expert
- Confidently and effortlessly speaks to your business. Not a sales pitch, rather an executive level presentation.
- Is well-rehearsed; does not read notes.
- Smoothly transitions; and comfortable in front of an audience.
- Communicates the Company’s interest and excitement about the message.
Engages Audience
- Is interactive – a lively presenter captures attention and makes the material more interesting.
- One that speaks with conviction; conveys confidence.
- Is creative – varies the pace to help maintain interest.
- Is prepared for the unexpected – quiet group vs. full of questions and can adapt easily.
Body Language
- Is conscious of distracting habits; throat clearing, saying “um”, “like” etc.
- Able to change voice tone and rate of speech to emphasize particular points.
- Makes eye contact, shows interest in others and conveys warmth and credibility.
- Smiles, it’s contagious!
Refer to pages 5-6 in the Planning Guide for further information on these items.
Please let Stacie Goddard know if we can be of any assistance as you prepare for HotelPoint 2018